Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Lose weight without starving

Lose weight without starving

Weight loss is a common topic is the resolution up people do all the New Year. But, if it is so widely discussed, why do not more widespread success? Unfortunately, one of the reasons is because there is a lot of misinformation out there. There are plenty of magazines willing to sell a junk diet anyone adhere to, and even if you stick to it and got some results, there would be lasting, because we never EnseƱ information living a healthy lifestyle. And after starving yourself for a week, but eat all the cabbage soup you never wanted, who wants to eat healthy? You are hungry for the love of God! Breaking the comfort food! But, that's the worst decision. It's a great way to get rid of all the hard work and discipline you put in the previous week.

Luckily, I'm here to give you a different story. I do not want you to starve, in fact, not on any diet. And I certainly do not want to eat cabbage soup ... unless, of course, you want (in which case you may need treatment, but that's another story). What we focus is to improve your metabolism. Diets do the opposite and negatively changes your metabolic rate so it is slower and burn less fuel. These diets rarely address the most significant part of metabolism and that is the amount of healthy muscle tissue you have on your body. This is your fat burning mechanism and when fat is burned for energy. Many people who are chubby are under muscular and the question is found here and must be addressed first. If your muscles are not being challenged properly, you may have lost some muscle, which means that it has lost some of its tools of burning fat. And if this goal regain lost muscle tissue you are going in the right way to get the lean physique you're after. The concept is to burn fat, do not try to starve it out so it is just the opposite of what you really need to do and everything contrary to what most diets will deliver.

This brings us to the question of why the diet of cabbage soup does not. What you're doing is slowing down your metabolism because it is the body believes it is starving because they obviously do not consume enough calories to maintain all its functions. The first thing you will do is hold on to every calorie you give it and store it as fat so you can not starve. The other issue is that, then start burning muscle mass and energy use which means, not only is the storage of fat, but now you've made it harder for your body to burn calories because he has gotten rid of the most useful tool.

Therefore, the only way to get what you want is to be by choosing healthy foods and a good exercise program. Now, I'm not going to promise that you are the best body in a month or two. It will take work ... and at least 3-6 months of it. Now if this sounds like a death sentence for you, is to give some perspective. Like many diets that have tried and failed? This work plan, just take time. And the only way to achieve this is to do well.

Go to your local gym and started with the assistance of one of the coaches for a while. It will teach you how to properly do strength training to regain some of its lost muscle and tone. You want to do strength training three days a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday), and is likely to only need to spend about 45 minutes to do. Spend another 3 days a week (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) by at least 30 minutes of cardio good. Rest on the seventh day.

Your meals should be good portions (the size of a fist or the palm of your hand) of protein, carbohydrate, and a vegetable. You should eat about 6 meals a day and meals should be about 2-3 hours apart. Try to keep these foods without fat, but be sure to include healthy fats like nuts, olive oil, omega fish oils, etc. Some people like eating your favorite food on the 7th day and not worry about the content sizes fat or lots. This is very good to do because it will fail to be private, but if you're getting a good balanced diet and plenty of healthy fats that the rest of the week, probably will not have many cravings. Any forward with richer food will disappear after a few weeks of healthy eating. Find fatty foods actually turn your stomach once you're used to make healthier choices.

This is a way to fool proof to get in shape and stay there. You are learning to deal with all kinds of foods in moderation and more important not to starve. You're turning your body into the ultimate fat burning machine and patiently to see the best results I've ever seen.

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