Monday, May 27, 2013

Body Fat Loss - Techniques to eliminate that difficult Flab

Body Fat Loss - Techniques to eliminate that difficult Flab

It's easy to lose body fat when you are just starting a diet and many pounds overweight, but the closer you get to your desired weight, the harder it becomes to lose more pounds. Men find it almost impossible to get rid of those last few kilos of stubborn fat around your waist. For women, however, are difficult to lose fat adheres to the buttocks, hips and thighs. You probably already know that, so we got shocked hence beyond that to the good news that will tell you how to shed those last stubborn kilos of fat.

The first thing to know is that a calorie deficit alone will not end the remaining stubborn body fat.

Now you can eliminate fat and lose weight for most of their weight loss program with diet and exercise to maintain a calorie deficit. But that will not be enough to eliminate those final kilos of stubborn body fat. That is the reason why people often have no problem getting close to their ideal weight, but then find it almost impossible to get those extra pounds ten years. Different techniques are needed to remove the remaining fat addiction.

One technique that helps to fast two days each week.

This is known as "intermittent fasting". It is a fast of eighteen to twenty-four hours after eating a normal sized meal. A good way to do this is to start fasting after dinner one day and end at dinner the next day. You will not take in any calories at all a dinner to the next. After fasting for about eighteen hours, your body produces HGH (human growth hormone), a natural substance produced by the pituitary gland that forces your body to burn fat for energy. I fast twice a week will stay off until the stubborn body fat.

A second technique that helps to do cardio first interval, then follow with constant cardio.

The low intensity cardio is constant and indeed burn fat as fuel. The problem is that only uses fatty acids are available in the bloodstream. It will take fifteen to twenty minutes of steady cardio fatty acids to be released. That means no body fat is burned up after that time, and the results are not optimal, even then. The results can be improved dramatically, first do cardio intensive exercise interval of ten minutes, because this will cause a significant amount of fatty acids that are released into the bloodstream. Following this exercise twenty minutes of low intensity cardio, then burn the fatty acids that were published. This technique is a great way to maximize your training time and achieve a significant loss of body fat.

A third technique to get rid of body fat is to do all the workouts after a period of fasting.

Do not eat any food for four to five hours before your workout. This way you will be doing your workout without much energy from the food left in your system. Your body will be forced to use the stored energy, and the results of your workouts easily double. So if the stubborn body fat loss has become your goal in life, and I've tried all the ways we know of to get rid of that excessive ugly, I do not give up - these three techniques are the key to victory in the latter.

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